

In the year celebrating 75 years of organized and continuous work in a technical culture in the Republic of Croatia, a new program of building capacities in STEAM “Du STEM” has been started lead by the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture and partners: Universal Research Institute UR, University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik-Neretva County Association of Technical Culture and Futura IT Club and associates Nave Dumins Modeling Institute, Argosy Ship Modeling Association, Aeroclub Nimbus and Maritimo Recycling.

The goal of this two year project is building capacities of local NGOs dealing with different areas of STEM through: building infrastructure by procurement of modern STEM equipment which will be used in numerous educational programs, workshops, festivals, and other activities, with a focus on children and youth, but also the general population.

Our fellow Dubrovnik-neretva county citizens can expect an abundant program in the following 2 years of project implementation: from the Youth Science Clubs, Bioelectronic Academy, STEM playroom, Du STEM festival, workshops on marine plastics and recycling, robotics and programming, Robo. DU Day, summer schools of shipbuilding, aeronautics, 3D printing, scanning, and modeling, to augmented reality workshops (VR and holograms), Arduino and Raspberry Pi, renewable energy sources, and much moreā€¦

As usual, the role of UR Institute is on developing further and offering the users the cutting edge STEM practices of experimental biotechnology, electronics, chemical, ecological and related innovative enginnering.
Next to continous work through the latest iteration of our workshop and mentoring programs, through the scope of the project UR Institute will produce transfer of its long youthwork experinece to the next generation of STEM educators through new “STEAM mentor academies”.

With this project, we will continue to invest in the development of the potential of local children and youth, the local community and creative industries, as well as developing further cooperation with the City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture and partner associations ensuring sustainability.

In regard to details of the project, here you can find more info on:

DU STEM activities by UR Institute

For general program info and all of its activities, we invite you to visit the web page of the lead partner:
Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture

Du STEM project is funded by a grant in the total amount of HRK 2,660,083.07, of which 85% is co-financed from the European Social Fund and 15% from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia under the call UP. “Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to popularize STEM”.