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Youth Science Club (Klub Mladih Znanstvenika)
(Dubrovnik, 2017.- )
– hybrid year-round program of upbringing and educational support for gifted youth in the STEAM field
The program gained support from The City of Dubrovnik, Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, Nature reserve Island Lokrum
Bioelectronics Academy (Bioelektronička akademija)
(Zagreb & Dubrovnik, 2014. – )
– annual workshop program for gifted youth in the field of contemporary:
bioelectronics, biorobotics, biomechatronics, experimental biotechnology, electronics, robotics, and biomedical sciences
The program gained support from The City of Zagreb, Association of technical culture Dubrovnik
Modern Prometheus (Moderni Prometej)
(Dubrovnik, 2016. – )
– annual workshops program for youth in the STEAM field
(experimental biotechnology, electronics, engineering, ecology, biomedical sciences, robotics
The program gained support from The City of Dubrovnik, Nature reserve Island Lokrum
Science Playground (Znanstvena Igraonica)
(Dubrovnik, 2018. – )
– annual workshops program for kids in the STEAM field
(experimental biology, chemistry, engineering, robotics, electronics, ecology & meteorology)
The program gained support from Nature reserve Island Lokrum
Science Underground Academy
(Dubrovnik, 2015. – )
– Annual (from 2017. biennale) international summer school of postmodern science and art for students and adults.
The program gained support from: The City of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Nature reserve Island Lokrum
(Zagreb, 2017. – )
– International triennale festival of Biological art (BioArt) and technobiology
The program gained support from The City of Zagreb
BLACK CLINIC art incubator
(Zagreb, 2017. – )
– International triennale festival of Biological art (BioArt) and technobiology
The program gained support from The City of Zagreb
SRCE program
(Zagreb & Dubrovnik – UR Institute BioLabs, 2012. – )
-Biomedical research and development of the methodology for the in-vitro growing of replacement organs from scratch
JUNO program
(Zagreb – UR Institute BioLab & URobotics lab, 2013. – )
– Interdisciplinary Research and development of humanoid organic biorobotic platform
(Zagreb & Dubrovnik – UR Institute facilities, 2018. – )
– Interdisciplinary Research and development of artificial consciousness
Smart & Self-sustainable BioCity
(Zagreb & Dubrovnik – UR Institute BioLabs & URobotics lab, 2014. – )
– Interdisciplinary program of Research and development of innovative biotechnological and technobiological solutions for Smart and Self-sustainable cities, optimization of resources management, and combating climate change.
Various subprograms gained support from The City of Dubrovnik and The City of Zagreb
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Dubrovnik Postmodern – (english) is a new project of UR Institute in which civil associations co-create a new media, postmodern, sustainable, cultural, and creative product together with youth. The duration of the project is 8 months and implementation starts in August 2021
Starts4water – will support artists, researchers, technology experts, and other stakeholders in finding a common ground and language to respond to regional water–related challenges. Focusing on clean water as a basic right for all humans and on the conservation of life in our oceans, seas, and marine life, STARTS4Water builds on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 and especially on SDG 6 ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’ and SDG 14 ‘Life Below Water’.
Du STEM : City of Dubrovnik Association of Technical Culture will implement the project for 2 years in cooperation with partners Universal Research Institute UR, University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik-Neretva County Association of Technical Culture and Futura IT Club and associates Nave Dumins Modeling Institute, Argosy Ship Modeling Association, Aeroclub Nimbus and Maritimo Recycling. Through this project, the most modern STEM equipment will be procured, which will be used in numerous educational programs, workshops, festivals, and other activities, especially for children and young people, but also the general population.
Adriatic Garden | aqua_forensic 2.0 connects two places by the Adriatic Sea: Dubrovnik (HR) and Koper (SI) and gives special attention to our commitment to the values of care, compassion, environmental justice, action-taking, and cooperation with the Adriatic Sea and its creatures. The project framework is the aqua_forensic, an ongoing art and science research method developed by Robertina Šebjanič (SI) and Gjino Šutić (HR), which sheds light on the presence of invisible anthropogenic chemical pollutants in the water environment.
WOMBS: In 2019, Gjino Šutić (as a biotechnologist and a bio artist, in the role of a consultant and project developer) collaborated on the development of the work of Italian artist Margherita Pevere (IT/DE) – Wombs project.The project involved a comparative study of reproductive hormonal release, influence, and biochemical interspecies communication of Margherita’s own female body and other animal organisms (primarily slugs) who biochemically differ but can be influenced by the same hormones.
Biotechnology in environmental conservation and development – experimental research/educational program for children and youth.
The program includes an integrated series of weekend workshops for elementary and high school students. Through workshops and field ecological research that were performed on the island of Lokrum, children and young people were introduced to the preservation and development of the environment (sea and land) by modern biotechnological methods.
Green Dub(rovnik) – an experimental scientific research program for the development of new technologies for afforestation of fire-exposed areas. The program includes the development of “self-germinating capsules” for seeds and an automatic distribution system for the same. The program is also of an educational nature.
Contemporary infectious diseases – personal and public health – the program is intended primarily for young people (high school students) and parents from the county as direct users who learn in an interesting way – through practical laboratory workshops about advanced immunology, modern dangerous diseases that pose a threat in the local area and methods of personal and public health care.
The program includes 8 workshops for young people on interesting topics (Biosafety, Personal and Public Health, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Medical Biochemistry, Viruses, Prions, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Zoonoses, Vaccines, Modern Pharmaceuticals and Medical Chemistry). The program also includes classes in a veterinary clinic, a series of film evenings, and a final workshop – a panel discussion for parents held by young participants in previous workshops.
International science+art program that encompasses: science+art research/residency program, art project production, exhibition tour.
The program focuses on exploring invisible pollutants – residues of human pharmaceutical consumption and their effect on aquatic microorganisms (protozoa, unicellular algae, and cyanobacteria).
Various phases of the projects were supported by: EMAP/ EMARE network (via Ars Electronica), Croatian Ministry of Culture (via UR Institute) and Slovenian Ministry of Culture (via Institute projekt Atol).
S.A.I.N.T. Symposium of contemporary culture for youth
K – 9 _ T O P O L O G Y : A R T E m i s: In 2017, Gjino Šutić (as a biotechnologist and a biohacker, in the role of a consultant and project developer) collaborated on the development of the latest work of Slovenian artist Maja Smrekar (SI) – ARTEmis project (part of the K9_topology opus). The project involved the creation of a human-canine hybrid stem cell (insertion of dog cell nucleus into a denucleated human egg cell using DIY protocols devised by Smrekar and Šutić (based on published work on cloning and stem cell production) in Kapelica gallery’s BioTehna biotechnological lab (Ljubljana, SI). The project won the Golden Nica award at Prix Ars Electronica 2017 in the hybrid art category.
Green roofs – an experimental research project – research into the potential use of photosynthetic microorganisms as a biological coating (biofilm) for roofs. Theoretically, biofilm is a practical solution for adapting the roofs of houses and buildings into green areas, which reduce the greenhouse effect and thus contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.
Sushi roulette is a science+art project dealing with the issue of microplastics pollution consisting of a do-it-yourself (DIY) citizen science workshop and co-creative interactive exhibition. It is made in co-authorship of Gjino Šutić and Kat Austen(UK) – both scientists and artists.
THE GUN (allegory to Javanese word for coconut – Degan) was a science+art ethnobotanical research conducted by Gjino Šutid (HR) in collaboration with Adeline Seah (SG), Malthe Borch (FI), Ferial Affif (ID), and members of the Greentech organization conducted during Hackteria Lab 2014 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
THE MOMENT OF DEATH is a complex biomechatronic interactive installation that can help us with a closer understanding of the process of death-related fear. It brings a glimpse into the unknown world – the live sensory experience of material death – gathered real-time from a decomposing corpse with the use of E.R.O.S. (an intelligent environmental probe developed at the UR Institute by the same authors).
MeBUMZ (Microbial-membrane speaker, microphone, and a drum) is a BioArt piece, a unique biomechatronic device, with the main part made of microbial cellulose, grown in a bioreactor with a help of Gluconacetobacter xylinus bacteria and an experimental DIY growth medium.
SOLAR TREE is a new media installation, that was selected and produced during MUU_ Museum of street art in 2013. The installation was preceded by three workshops for the public on how to make Do It Yourself organic solar cells using ordinary window glass, cabbage extract, and toothpaste.
SRCE (Croatian for the heart) is a science+art project. Using DIY (Do it yourself) biotechnology or biohacking, in his own kitchen, the author has been experimenting with developing a technique for growing human replacement organs (starting with the heart).